“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” —Aristotle Onassis


From the moment we are born, our brains are constantly accumulating information. Our memories, experiences, influences, and surroundings help shape the process of our brain development. So too, do these factors impact our thoughts, reasoning and mental well-being.  Therefore, the brain is our most complex and necessary organ.

According to U.S. Stress statistics, at least 77% of all people frequently experience physical symptoms that are caused by stress.1 The Center for Disease Control/National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health 2 estimates nearly 110 million deaths each year as a direct result of stress; equaling to $120 billion in healthcare costs, according to research performed by Stanford professors and a former Stanford doctoral student. Mental illness is also the leading cause of sickness worldwide.  Left untreated, the consequences of mental illness can be tragic.

Effective Psychiatric Treatment Starts with Empathy & Experience

Dr. Margarita Krasnova’s Positive Psychiatry approach combines the best of both holistic and Western medicines to help her patients achieve physical and mental balance. By getting to the core of her patients’ issues, she can lead them on a journey towards a successful outcome.  She does so by first getting to know her patients, their background, medical history, etc. and then by taking corrective steps to achieve balance. Throughout the journey to recovery, Dr. Krasnova offers caring, unconditional support, recommendations and when appropriate, medicine can be prescribed.

If you are looking for flexibility, compassion and convenience on your journey to balance and wellness, Dr. Krasnova can work with you. Whether you prefer the comfort of your own home, her office, a local park or other suggestions, she is available throughout the week and on some Saturdays to meet your needs.

Dr. Krasnova works closely with each client to design and structure a treatment plan, which may include a combination of psychotherapy, medication, lifestyle-changes, exercise and meditation.

Her therapeutic style consists of an eclectic range of dynamically-influenced approaches, including expressive, supportive, and insight-oriented therapies, as well as cognitive and behavioral techniques.

Let Dr. Margarita Krasnova help you on your journey to mental wellbeing and life balance!