Why Should You See a Psychiatrist?

Part of being human means that as we experience the highs and lows of life, it changes us. Having someone to confide in when life throws you curve balls, or when you just feel ‘not like yourself’ can greatly improve your quality of living. You should consult with a psychiatrist if you feel either subtle or dramatic changes in your energy level, mood, and appetite or sleep pattern. Both short-term and long-term anxiety and depression can impact your physical and emotional health, so this is not something that should be left unattended.

You should seek the services of a professional psychiatrist when/if:

  • Distressing thoughts weigh heavily on your mind
  • You feel “down” or depressed for no apparent reason
  • Reliance on alcohol or drugs are a problem
  • Anxiety, mood swings or angry outbursts are common
  • Someone or something is greatly bothering you
  • You feel alone, isolated or like no one understands you
  • Co-dependency leaves you feeling ‘stuck’ or stranded
  • Someone you love hurts you, either physically or emotionally
  • Stress is impacting your overall wellbeing and mental health
  • You’re experiencing confusion about who you really are

Deciding to visit a psychiatrist can be life-changing in a positive way.  Dr. Margarita Krasnova is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and an expert in the treatment of stress management, anxiety, depression and transgender issues. She is a medical doctor with the experience and qualifications to perform a medical evaluation, psychotherapy and prescribe medications, if necessary.

The first evaluation is critical to the process, as many people underestimate the connection between the human mind and body. Underlying medical problems could be the root of mental health issues. Dr. Krasnova may conclude the need for lab tests, assessments and/or other methods of determining the health condition of each patient on a case-by-case basis.

For example, endocrine, vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances, gastrointestinal or hematological conditions may exaggerate psychiatric symptoms.  Since the body and mind are connected, often these mental illnesses can turn into physical ailments; or even disease. Psychiatrists have achieved the highest degree of mental health training and credentials in order to make safe evaluations about whether to incorporate medication as part of the healing process.

Common Conditions Treated Include:

  • Acute Stress Disorder
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Impulse Control Disorders
  • Major Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychiatric illness during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Psychiatric illness in women during periods of hormonal transition
  • Schizophrenia
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Somatoform Disorders


If you have any of the above conditions, contact Dr. Krasnova for a consultation. Get the help you need now. 310-961-4896